

We are committed to leaving the world a better place than when we found it. By getting people to lower their dependence on soy, whey and other animal proteins, we’re lowering the global impact on the environment. But for us, that’s not enough. We also chose our ingredients carefully and avoid exotic nuts such as almonds, cashews, and anything that comes from too far from home.

Healthy Living

We don’t only believe in protecting nature, we believe in getting out into it. We believe the best life is an active healthy one so we encourage outdoor sports and fitness as a way of life and encourage getting outside as much as possible. Our products use real food, not food-like ingredients so our customers not only get a boost in energy, but also a boost in nutrition.

Being Adventurous

We believe in breaking conventions, being adventurous, and doing things differently. We’re innovative and always curious. We question everything from food and nutrition to design and packaging. If there’s a better solution out there, we’ll find it.

Fun & Happiness

We didn’t get into this business just to crunch numbers and give presentations; we’re also in it to have fun. We love what we do and in our company and the way we position our brand, we never want to take ourselves too seriously. Life is short so we believe it’s important to have fun and enjoy it as much as possible.